Indústrias Criativas

Mark Ryan’s seminar on “Mapping Regional Creative Industries: A Population and Hotspot Analysis of Australian Cultural and Creative Activity” has been held at the Faculty of Arts of the University 
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Mark Ryan’s seminar on “Unearthing The ‘Total Value’ Of Web Series: The Economic, Industrial, Cultural and Social Value of Web Series” has been held at the Faculty of Arts of 
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No dia 15 de abril, o Consulado Geral de Portugal em Macau e Hong Kong receberá um seminário dedicado à discussão do papel das indústrias criativas no desenvolvimento social e económico. A 
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Conferência Entrepreneurship, Management and Marketing in Creative Industries No âmbito do projeto PIMENED, o Professor Geoffrey Graybeal esteve em Portugal para conduzir a conferência “Entrepreneurship, Management and Marketing in Creative Industries”, moderada 
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  • Via Panorâmica, s/n
  • 4150-564 Porto
  • +351 965 865 756